Fitness goals; the key to your success

Fitness goals; the key to your success


It's true- fitness goals are key to your success. Without them, you would have no target to reach. You would be training for something that doesn't exist. It's like walking out your front door without knowing where you're going. By having these goals, not only will you be focused on beating your last session, but also you'll be able to compare your previous results, to help you set your next goal.

Setting yourself fitness goals are a brilliant way to keep yourself on track.

We're not talking about 2 years ahead here; we're talking about ongoing goals. One-upping yourself. Start with something easy, and gradually increase these goals as you go. For example, if you're a runner, start off by setting a distance you wish to reach in your session. For your next session, make it quarter of a mile longer, then half a mile, then a mile and so on. Before you know it, you'll be running miles further than when you started. It's psychological.

Long-term goals are just as important however, but we tackle these goals by focusing on short term first. You might find that by working short term, you beat your previously set long-term goal.

It's about keeping things interesting too

If you're competitive, it can be a lot of fun too.I'm sure we all love to hear that we're doing better at something than we were, it links back to our serotonin levels. We're happier when we know we're making progress, so setting sensible goals is important. It's not about challenging yourself to beat the Olympic record on your second session. It's about taking it one step at a time, to build up to that perfect time.

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{ "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "articleBody": "It’s true- fitness goals are key to your success. Without them, you would have no target to reach. You would be training for something that doesn’t exist. It’s like walking out your front door without knowing where you’re going. By having these goals, not only will you be focused on beating your last session, but also you’ll be able to compare your previous results, to help you set your next goal. \nSetting yourself fitness goals are a brilliant way to keep yourself on track.\nWe’re not talking about 2 years ahead here; we’re talking about ongoing goals. One-upping yourself. Start with something easy, and gradually increase these goals as you go. For example, if you’re a runner, start off by setting a distance you wish to reach in your session. For your next session, make it quarter of a mile longer, then half a mile, then a mile and so on. Before you know it, you’ll be running miles further than when you started. It’s psychological.\nLong-term goals are just as important however, but we tackle these goals by focusing on short term first. You might find that by working short term, you beat your previously set long-term goal.\nIt’s about keeping things interesting too\nIf you’re competitive, it can be a lot of fun too.I’m sure we all love to hear that we’re doing better at something than we were, it links back to our serotonin levels. We’re happier when we know we’re making progress, so setting sensible goals is important. It’s not about challenging yourself to beat the Olympic record on your second session. It’s about taking it one step at a time, to build up to that perfect time. \n", "mainEntityOfPage": { "@type": "WebPage", "@id": "https:\/\/" }, "headline": "Fitness goals; the key to your success", "datePublished": "2015-02-23T15:44:00Z", "dateCreated": "2022-11-03T20:18:59Z", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Tim Brownstone" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "KYMIRA" } }