We've got a bit of a controversial blog this week! Would you believe us if we told you that a 15 minute workout is better for you than an hour plus of exercise? Probably not. So, we've got some reasons for you to believe us.
Stop the "I don't have time to workout".
If you're a busy person, finding a spare hour can be difficult, but you should always make time! This 15-minute workout removes this issue, as it's a lot easier to find a spare 15 minutes than a full hour. You can gain the same benefits in this short workout as youwould when completing a longer session.
Reduce the risk
When training for an event for example, you are actually putting yourself at more risk by doing longer, more frequent sessions. Training in shorter bursts will mean you will have to work harder, but you will see the results quicker. You'll become more accustomed to harder training, and so times will improve.
What's best for you?
You could be the sort of person to enjoy long, consistent sessions on the treadmill, but it's not for everyone. By completing shorter bursts, you're changing things up during your workout. You won't become bored as you might with the same routine.
For some, working out is considered something they have to do, but treat it like a chore. By switching up what you're doing in your sessions, your workout is more appealing.