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One of the most common complaints amongst people today is a perceived lack of energy, whether through longer working hours, impacted sleep or negative lifestyle choices.
In this article we are going to look at how we can boost our energy levels using practical tips backed by extensive scientific research. The good news is that anyone, from any background and at any stage of life can improve their energy levels.
Employing these strategies will have a lasting impact on energy and reduce feelings of lethargy within a very short period of their introduction into your daily life and routine.
Time to read: 3 minutes
Key Points:
- Facts about energy levels
- Practical Tips for boosting energy levels
- KYMIRA® for boosting energy levels
Many of us suffer from high levels of fatigue, but it's an issue that's easy to address without medical intervention.
Energy levels – what we know
The problem with the research around energy levels is that it's self-reported. What that means is we're relying on the individual's perception of how they're feeling and that varies wildly. What one person describes as ‘slightly tired', might feel like ‘total exhaustion' to someone else. The counter argument is that it doesn't matter if there's a difference, the crux is that people are feeling less-than-energised, which is ultimately a sub-optimal state.
Various studies give indications as to the wider impact of fatigue, but there's one consistent conclusion – fatigue levels are high, even though it's an easily-addressable issue.
The most practical way we can address fatigue is with a lifestyle intervention method. It's not a condition that can be addressed medically – it must come with action from the individual. We know that there is strong evidence from a sleep, nutrition, and activity point of view.
Boosting energy levels – evidence based, practical tips
These are some of the basic, practical tips that you can follow to ensure you give yourself the biggest natural energy boost. Not only that but including these behaviours in your daily routine will make you healthier and happier…
Exercise more!
Exercise seems to be the answer to every medical question, but there's good reason for it – the evidence consistently falls in favour of being active. We know that exercise improves energy production within cells, and that a lack of activity reduces this production [1]. Put simply, exercise increases your energy levels, and a lack of exercise reduces your body's ability to produce energy.
Not only does your body physically produce more energy when you exercise, there's a mental benefit too. People who exercise more self-report higher levels of energy, which is an important measure of the research [2]. This research was done on older adults (mean age of nearly 87), showing that there's a benefit to exercise regardless of age.
Improve your sleep
It goes without saying that one of the ways to boost your energy is to make sure you get plenty of good quality rest. You can't expect to feel energised if you're chronically under-slept. Most of us should be aiming for 7-9 hours of good quality per night.
We know that a lack of sleep makes us feel tired and hungry [3]. We also know that when we're tired, we're more likely to make bad food choices. More importantly, we know that the bad food choices we make have a direct impact on mood, energy levels and general feelings of fatigue. Research showing that diets with a high glycaemic load (high in sugar) are linked to mood disturbance and depression [4].
Get outside more!
There's clear and strong research lining natural light and energy levels. There's a couple of reasons for this – the first one is vitamin D. We know that sun exposure triggers vitamin D production. Vitamin D has been linked to a wide range of positive health outcomes, including boosting immunity, bone health, energy levels, anti-cancer properties, lowering blood pressure etc [5].
Further research suggests that exposure to natural light improves feelings of alertness, wakefulness, reduced stress and improved mental health [6]. Recommendations from both anecdotal and scientific sources suggest daily natural light exposure as being good for our health and energy levels.
Eat healthier!
As with exercise, diet is also linked to energy levels. We've already discussed the impact of high sugar diets on energy levels, but we also must consider food quality. Ensuring we eat a diet high in vitamins and minerals, and that provides us with the correct energy intake gives us the best chance of maintaining a healthy weight. Maintaining a healthy weight improves physical and mental health.
We know from research that B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B9 and B12), vitamin C, iron, magnesium, and zinc have recognized roles in preventing fatigue and promoting energy levels [7].
How KYMIRA® products can help with energy levels
Think of KYMIRA® products as the foundation stone for a lot of these important processes. With it's patented KYnergy® infrared fabric, KYMIRA® products improve sleep quality and efficiency, meaning you'll sleep deeper and wake feeling more rested.
It also improves blood flow, which means you'll find exercise easier. You'll have more energy, you'll move more freely (especially if you suffer from conditions such as Reynaud's syndrome, arthritis, and circulation issues). Not only that, but you'll also recover from exercise more quickly, meaning it won't take as much from you physically as you'd think.
The thermoregulatory benefits of the products are also helpful – KYMIRA® products will help you stay warm in the cold, but they'll also help you cool down when the temperature rises.
You can find the full range of KYMIRA medical products here.
Expand For References[1]