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recovery, rehabilitation, Sport
DOMS – Improve and Relieve Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
/ Steve Hoyles
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is sometimes referred to as the tax we pay for...

recovery, rehabilitation, Sport, training + workouts & exercises
Minimising Muscle Damage from Weight Training and Exercise
/ Stephen Hoyes
In this article we’re going to look at DOMS, how it’s caused and how we...

pain & condition management, product education, recovery, rehabilitation, Sport
Managing Shin Splints with KYMIRA Infrared Technology
/ Stephen Hoyles
In this article we’ll look at practical approaches to managing shin splits, investigating what the...

pain & condition management, recovery, rehabilitation, Sport
Managing and Treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Athletes
/ Stephen Hoyles
Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common peripheral neuropathy in sports medicine. In this article...

injury prevention, rehabilitation, Sport, winter sports
Professional Athletes Winter Training - Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation
/ Stephen Hoyles
The changing seasons provide a different set of challenges to the professional athlete, particularly as...

adventuring, rehabilitation, running, Sport, Team KYMIRA
Nikki Love Runs Across Australia - Rehabilitation
/ Nikki Love and Kieran Blay
Injury rehabilitation after running 2500 miles in 63 days. KYMIRA endorsed Adventure Runner, Nikki Love...

product education, rehabilitation, Sport
KYMIRA Sport KYnergy Eco System: Rehabilitate
/ Stephen Hoyles
The next instalment of our KYMIRA Sport KYnergy Eco System is the topic of ‘rehabilitate'...

recovery, rehabilitation, Sport
Managing Injuries at Home with KYMIRA Technology
/ Steve Hoyles
Injuries are an unfortunate occasional side effect of sport and exercise. With KYMIRA infrared technology...

rehabilitation, rowing, Sport, Team KYMIRA
Behind the scenes: Strength and Conditioning, the Key to Rehab
/ Tim Brownstone
KYMIRA Brand Athlete Emily Ashford shares an insight into major sporting injury and her road...
Any reference to pain relief, in any update does not apply to the U.S. market