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football/soccer, Injuries & Rehabilitation, Injury Prevention, Partnerships, performance, Training
Kymira becomes official recovery partner of Warrington Wolves
/ James Sertin
We are delighted to announce that we are now the official recovery partner of rugby...

injury prevention, performance, Sport
Season Longevity - The importance to maintaining performance until the final game
/ Steve Hoyles
Injury rates in extra competitive matches are significantly higher than in general fixtures. In this...

football/soccer, injury prevention, pain & condition management, Sport
Preventing and Healing Stress Fractures in Football
/ Steve Hoyles
Stress fractures are a common injury that cause a significant amount of lost playing time...

American Football, injury prevention, Sport
Preventing Soft Tissue Injuries in American Football
/ Steven Hoyles
Despite rules changes designed to protect the players, injury rates in American Football remain stubbornly...

injury prevention, Sport, Team KYMIRA, warm ups & cool downs + stretching & mobility
A warm up and warm down routine to prevent injury with returning to sport, the gym & training with Paul Parker
/ Paul Parker
An area that is somewhat shrouded in confusion in the health, sport, and fitness industry,...

injury prevention, rehabilitation, Sport, winter sports
Professional Athletes Winter Training - Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation
/ Stephen Hoyles
The changing seasons provide a different set of challenges to the professional athlete, particularly as...

injury prevention, product education, Sport
How KYMIRA Technology Helps to Prevent Injuries
/ Stephen Hoyles
Injury is part and parcel of sport and exercise. Whilst it’s largely inevitable, there are...

Prevention is Better Than Cure - How to Avoid Sports Injuries
/ Stephen Hoyles & Sarah Jenner
Use anything a lot and it’ll start to break down – your car, your computer…...

injury prevention, running, Sport
How to Avoid Knee Pain For Runners
/ Stephen Hoyles
If you’re a runner, I’d be willing to bet a sizeable chunk of change that...

injury prevention, Sport, winter sports
Top 5 Ways to Prevent Injuries While Skiing This Season
/ Ben
We look at the top 5 ways to help you prevent injuries while skiing.

injury prevention, running, Sport
Top 3 Ways to Prevent Injuries While Running During Winter
/ Aston Lincoln
Make sure you approach winter training with caution and make it through the season injury...

injury prevention, running, Sport
It’s Marathon season – Don’t risk any silly injuries
/ Tim Brownstone
If you have your place booked for the 2016 London Marathon on the 24th April,...
Any reference to pain relief, in any update does not apply to the U.S. market