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pain & condition management, product education, Sport
Managing Lower Back Pain with KYMIRA Infrared Technology
/ Stephen Hoyles
Lower back pain is a chronic disorder that affects millions of us at some stage...

Infrared vs Compression - The Deep Dive
/ Stephen Hoyles
When it comes to performance and recovery clothing, infrared and compression garments are often unfairly...

Interview with KYMIRA Athlete Darren Stevens
/ Stephen Hoyles
We recently caught up with one of our KYMIRA athletes, cricketer Darren Stevens. We spoke...

Top 10 US Cycling Routes
/ Stephen Hoyles
The USA is a cyclist’s paradise – as a country with every known terrain and...

performance, product education, Sport, training + workouts & exercises
Performance deep dive - Quicker Training, Performance Gains and Bodily Adaptions Accrued via Training with Infrared
/ Stephen Hoyles
In this article we’re looking at how infrared technology can enhance the effects of training,...

pain & condition management, product education, recovery, rehabilitation, Sport
Managing Shin Splints with KYMIRA Infrared Technology
/ Stephen Hoyles
In this article we’ll look at practical approaches to managing shin splits, investigating what the...

Thermoregulation Deep Dive - Keeping Cool for Optimum Performance in Heat
/ Stephen Hoyles
As winter turns to spring, our attention switches to the opposite end of the temperature...

Post-Exercise Nutrition with Paul Parker
/ Paul Parker
Paul Parker discusses the importance of the 4 R's you should abide by post-exercise.

pain & condition management, recovery, rehabilitation, Sport
Managing and Treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Athletes
/ Stephen Hoyles
Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common peripheral neuropathy in sports medicine. In this article...

Utilising Recovery to Boost Performance
/ Stephen Hoyles
In this article we’re going to look at the evidence to see how lack of...

Investigation: Staying Safe Playing Competitive Sport During Covid
/ Stephen Hoyles
In today’s article we’re going to suggest ways that you can reduce your risk of...

Effective Travel Strategies – Managing Distance Effectively
/ Stephen Hoyles
Travel is a largely unavoidable element of high level competition, but it comes with its...

running, Sport, training + workouts & exercises
Training for a Half Marathon
/ Stephen Hoyles
A lot of people get half marathon training completely wrong, often because they don’t give...

How to Prepare for Your First Ironman
/ Stephen Hoyles
The old axiom states ‘failing to prepare is preparing to fail’. In the case of...

gym training, Sport, training + workouts & exercises
5 Core Exercises Every Athlete Should be Doing in the Gym
/ Stephen Hoyles
Core exercise is a hotly debated topic in strength and conditioning circles. Ignoring opinions, we've...

psychology, Sport, training + workouts & exercises
Using Exercise to Boost Mental Health – The Evidence-Based Approach
/ Stephen Hoyles
In this article we’re going to show you how evidence proves exercise and activity can...

The K-Filter
/ Eimer Cotter
Any face covering is more effective than none, but excepting high-end medical respirators, no other filters are...

Veganuary, An Insight into Vegan Sport Nutrition with Paul Parker
/ Paul Parker
Paul Parker, Physical Performance Coach at PRPerformance, explains the benefits of a vegan based diet...

Professional Athletes Winter Competition - Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation
/ Stephen Hoyles
If training loads and recovery strategies don’t adapt to winter conditions the injury risk to...
Any reference to pain relief, in any update does not apply to the U.S. market